Central Hiking

Bull Springs Trail

Like Jean-Jacques Rousseau wandering the province of Savoy, you could hike alone in the Juniper Mesa Wilderness a dozen times and never see another…
Eastern Scenic Drives

Forest Road 61

There’s so much natural beauty in the White Mountains that it’s easy to overlook the reminders of pioneer life also on display in this part of…
Central Hiking

Woodchute Trail

In the same way that a Paul Hobbs 2018 Nathan Coombs Estate cabernet sauvignon pairs nicely with filet mignon, this scenic hike in Central Arizona…
Northern Scenic Drives

Forest Road 307

Millions of people find their way to the Grand Canyon every year, and most of them follow paved roads to get there. That’s understandable: Arizona’s…
Central Hiking

Brins Mesa Trail

How have I missed this all these years? That’s what you’ll think within the first 71 seconds of hiking the Brins Mesa Trail. Not only because of the…
Southern Scenic Drives

Price Canyon Road

In the Chiricahua Mountains, the hoodoos, balanced rocks and hiking trails of Chiricahua National Monument get most of the attention. But “attention…
Southern Hiking

Phoneline Trail

If you like this hike, you’ll have to write home about it instead of calling, because the “phoneline” (not a real word) for which it’s named no…
Western Scenic Drives

Castle Dome Mountains

Some drives require little more than a full tank of gas and an hour or so. This isn’t one of those. The prerequisites here include a high-clearance…