Southern Hiking

Bass Canyon-Hot Springs Loop

Muleshoe Ranch, Galiuro Mountains In the movie Tombstone — the 1993 version starring Val Kilmer — Charlton Heston plays Henry Hooker, a wealthy…
Central Hiking

Oaks & Willows Trail

Juniper Mesa Wilderness, Prescott National Forest This is the best hike you've never heard of. People in Prescott are probably familiar with it, but…
Central Hiking

Pine Mountain Trail

Pine Mountain Wilderness, Prescott National Forest If you think the Road to Hana is a long and winding road, take away the pavement, and throw in a…
Central Hiking

Parsons Trail

Sycamore Canyon Wilderness, Coconino National Forest You probably won't see any parsons along this trail. Priests, rabbis, nuns ... none of them. In…
Northern Hiking

Bright Angel Trail

South Rim, Grand Canyon National Park If you're looking for a solo expedition, this isn't it — at least 100,000 people a year make this trek, and…
Eastern Hiking

Grant Hill Loop

Pinaleño Mountains, Coronado National Forest Cyclophobia. That’s the word that’s used to describe a fear of bicycles. It’s not a clinical term, but…
Southern Hiking

Cochise Trail

Dragoon Mountains, Coronado National Forest Cochise is buried in the Dragoon Mountains. That’s the conventional wisdom, but no one knows for sure…
Central Hiking

See Canyon Trail

Mogollon Rim, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests There are two ways to hike this trail. You can either start at the bottom and work your way up, or…