Central Hiking

Dogie Trail

Coconino National Forest, Sedona It’s not important for planning purposes, but the name of this trail is pronounced "doe-gi" (rhymes with hoagie).…
Central Hiking

West Clear Creek Trail

Coconino National Forest, Verde Valley Sand dunes, snakes, scorpions ... there’s a long list of stereotypes about Arizona. Although there is sand in…
Central Hiking

Jacks Canyon Trail

Munds Mountain Wilderness, Sedona “Huh? Jacks Canyon? No. I’ve never hiked it.” That’s the response you’ll get from even longtime residents of…
Southern Hiking

The Arizona Trail: Kentucky Camp

Santa Rita Mountains, Coronado National Forest Sonoita, Arizona, isn’t what most people think of when they think of Arizona. The area doesn’t…
Central Hiking

Apache Creek Loop

Prescott National Forest There are 90 wilderness areas in Arizona. And within their boundaries are 4.5 million acres of “earth untrammeled by man.”…
Central Hiking

Jim Thompson Trail

Coconino National Forest, Sedona Had he gotten there a little sooner, Jim Thompson might have spent his days nibblin’ on sponge cake and watchin’…
Central Hiking

Houston Brothers Trail

Mogollon Rim, Coconino National Forest It’s dangerous to dole out superlatives when writing about hikes in Arizona. As soon as you do, you’ll…
Northern Hiking

O'Leary Peak Trail

Coconino National Forest, Flagstaff O’Leary Peak is a lava-dome volcano, not a cinder cone like Sunset Crater Volcano, its better-known counterpart…